
武汉编辑 2022-01-19 09:52




有一部分同学虽然语法词汇基础不错,写作中也给出了相对切题的观点但分数仍然停滞不前,其中一个很大的原因在于第二项 Well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanation, exemplification  and/or details 和第三项 unity, progression and coherence 没有很好的回应,例如没有细节支撑,文章太滑水或者例证和论点不匹配等等。









首先,我们要知道核心段拓展中几个重要的概念:统一性(unity), 连贯性 (coherence)和渐进性 (progression)。

Unity: the entire paragraph focuses on one single idea, avoiding idea repetition or irrelevant points.Coherence: sentences in a paragraph are organized in a clear and logical order.

Progression: the process of developing ideas gradually from one stage to another.


类似于这样的结构: 中心句/主题句--> 解释分论点--> 举例+相关细节


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Working from home using computers and telephone is better than working in the office.

按照中心句/主题句--> 解释分论点--> 举例+相关细节,我们先给出主题句如下:

First of all, people working in the office can have a better communication with others when they come across some difficulties. 

然后对better understanding这个论点进行进一步解释论证

Because employees can use sign language or diagrams to illustrate their problems, making other co-workers easier to comprehend their thoughts, which is usually more beneficial for solving problems. 



For instance, a friend of mine named Tom usually works in the office.When he has some difficulties that he cannot solve by himself, he usually asks his colleagues for help. As they can communicate with each other in a short distance, it is much easier for them to exchange their ideas. Therefore, Tom can always work out his problems in a short time with the help of others. However, when he took break in his home last year, trying to finish one of his tasks, although he sought help on the Internet about the difficulties he met, others could not comprehend his well so that his task was not finished on time. Consequently, people working in the office can make their problem easy to be solved through the communication with others.


First of all, people working in the office can have a better communication with others when they come across some difficulties. Because employees can use sign language or diagrams to illustrate their problems, making other co-workers easier to comprehend their thoughts, which is usually more beneficial for solving problems. For instance, a friend of mine named Tom usually works in the office.When he has some difficulties that he cannot solve by himself, he usually asks his colleagues for help. As they can communicate with each other in a short distance, it is much easier for them to exchange their ideas. Therefore, Tom can always work out his problems in a short time with the help of others. However, when he took break in his home last year, trying to finish one of his tasks, although he sought help on the Internet about the difficulties he met, others could not comprehend his well so that his task was not finished on time. Consequently, people working in the office can make their problem easy to be solved through the communication with others.


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