The National Development and Reform Commission estimates that during the Spring Festival travel period from Jan 24 to March 3, the overall passenger volume nationwide will be 2.91 billion, which would be 3.6 percent higher than that of last year. The ever-increasing passenger volume is extremely challenging to the transport sector nationwide, and the media have called it a "Spring Festival test for transport".
媒体将春运期间交通部门面临客运量大幅增加的考验称为“春运大考”(Spring Festival test for transport)。
今年春运(Spring Festival travel rush/ Spring Festival rush)从1月24日至3月3日,共计40天。预计客运量(passenger volume)将达到29.1亿人,届时将出现学生、农民工(migrant workers)、探亲者(family visitors)等多重客流(multiple passenger flows)。
出行现代化modernized journey
>部分火车站实现了免费WIFI(free WIFI)高度覆盖
>增设了电子售票机(electronic ticketing machines)
>未来还将用大数据(big data)分析客流
>叫车软件(car-hailing app)推出拼车服务(car-pooling service)
出行更快捷 faster ride
>更多高铁线路(high-speed route)开通,回家需要的时间更少了:
今年参与春运的列车中,有60%是时速在350公里的高铁列车(high-speed trains that can run up to 350 kilometers per hour)。
>春运也会带来航空出行高峰(air travel boom):
不少航空公司已经增开了国际国内线路(add international and domestic routes),以迎接客流高峰
>春节假期期间,高速公路免通行费(no toll way fee),司机无需在收费处停车拿票,以提高车辆通过速度。