


来源:新航道 浏览:0 发布日期:2014-01-23 16:17









Task 1 Which technology has made the greatest impact on people's life in your country? Airplane,computer or television. Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.


Task 2 Some people believe that it is better for children to grow up in big cities. Others believe that it is better for children to grow up in small towns or rural areas. What is your opinion and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.


Task 3 学校要做亮灯工程,天文系的一个教授写信反对,说钱应该花在更有意义的地方,而且一旦亮灯,天文台就废了。听力中那个男的同意教授的观点,而且补充说他们的项目追踪了一颗彗星追踪了好久,一旦亮灯,他们就看不到了,以后就只能从书本上观察这颗彗星了。


Task 4 已考


Task 5 【是一个男的说他选了Advanced Chemistry,这课作业多得让人抓狂,而且他还在school newspaper工作,每周要写一篇文章。时间根本不够用。女的adviser建议他改成两周写一篇文章给school newspaper,但男的说他有很多忠实读者,不想让他们失望。女的又给他一个建议,说把Advanced Chemistry退了,换一个挑战性小点的课,比如说Basic Chemistry,那个男的又说想学课程,从而可以多学到点知识。


Task 6 已考


Task 1 Describe a activity that you enjoy most doing with your family. Please use specific reasons and examples to support your response.


Task 2 Some people prefer to watch entertainment programs on TV. While others prefer to watch educational programs on TV. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.


Task 3 学校要取消一些和课程无关的设施来节省开销,比如冲洗胶片的暗房。女的反对说还有人用胶片照相,胶片照相的优点,还有对职业有帮助。


Task 4 illusion of translucent 一种心理现象:总觉得别人能看到自己的所作所为,甚至看穿内心(特别是做坏事的时候) listening: professor拿自己的经验举例,去朋友marry(a good cook)家吃饭最后一道菜the main dish里面放了很多garlic,自己很讨厌大蒜,为了不冒犯女主人,还是称赞delicious,并吃了很多,但总觉得女主人知道自己真实的想法,于是不安.回去的路上问一同赴宴的朋友,朋友说并没发现professor不喜欢吃,反而以为他很喜欢,因为他吃得很多.


Task 5【学生困难】:男生的a new roommate is an active person。He often invites

lots of friends to visit their new dormitory to party(talking,playing PC games,watching movies)。这可以丰富他的social life,但he can't focus on his study。【解决方案】:女生给两个建议:建议1、Go to another place, like library学习,但男生说he works on a big project and needs to use a lot of materials. He has them organized in the dorm。图书馆的room太小了,不方便organize。建议2、Talk with his roommate and set a schedule with him。规定用一个星期中的几个nights来visit,用几个quiet nights让他学习。男生怕影响他和室友的关系。

Task 6 已考


Task1 Describe memorable experience restaurant or in a cafe.Explain why it was so memorable.


Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important lessons cannot be learned in classrooms. Use specific reasons and examples


Task 3 一个读诗会,来听的学生少,男的有2个建议。一是把时间从晚上改到下午,晚上很多人都有自己的事情,所以不能去听。二是也请几个学生一起读诗。女的说主意好,一晚上学生都去城里吃饭,没时间去听。下午在下课的间隙,没事情做,可以去听。二学生自己也读诗,让学生觉得会有意思,他们的朋友也会来听,增加人数。


Task 4 已考


Task 5 女的车钥匙锁车里了, 兰键是school book还圃车里, 没法上诼。 建讧1 call lock company, expensive. 2 父殎邁有备仹,但父殎进,寀过来要好几天,这几天忐举上诼?还得借同学癿书。


Task 6 动物吃草,有物理和化学两种方法帮助消化草。举例1兔子,它们是平牙,可以把草磨碎,这样吃进去的草容易消化。举例2 牛,它们有很大的胃,胃会释放各种各样的微生物来帮助消化。


Task 1 Describe a person whom you would like to spend time with. Explain why you would like to spend time with this person. Include reasons and details to support your response.


Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should always study in quiet places. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.


Task 3

letter是说有人propose开一个art fair, 原因1是可以帮助art students展示作品,原因2是可以donate挣到的钱。 conversation里的女生不同意,因为他们已经有一个一年一度的show了,另外她觉得把学生挣到的钱donate掉不公平


Task4 已考


Task 5 对话里,男生说要交一application for intern。但是时间很紧张,自己又有很多work要做,申请时有推荐信,但是时间太紧了不好找老师写。


Task 6 为什么invasive species(理解这个概念就好办了)会在一个地方successfully, ,they depend on wide range of food for example a snake introduced to Australia, 没有lizards他们可以吃birds 第二,他们耐受的环境范围也很广,适应环境快,适应环境变化 example,a fish from Asia to the western coast of america, they can adapt to the change of temperature of sea water


Task 1 describe a character in a book, film or poem.Explain why you like it.


Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with following statement? College education should only be available to people who have done well in secondary school? Why?


Task 3

art class of sculpture , the school is planning to downsize the class size from 30 to 15, due to two reasons, the first one is that too many students may not get the attention from teacher as when it was of a smaller size, and 井流is crucial to art class. the second reason is that it is too expensive to buy the materials for so many students. 女生观点:完全不同意,sculpture is so important for students of arts that they would like to choose the class even if not paid so much attention from the teacher, the new regulation will 剥夺art student's privilege to choose the class they want. Secondly, the art students would pay for the materials themself, just to get the chance to attend the class.

Task 4关于operant conditioning ,教授举了两个例子,提问题不举手,扰乱课堂的,是rude的行文;提问题要举手啥的,你表扬他,他就继续这么干。没太明白啥意思是(我觉得不是这样的,这个概念是说可以使用鼓励的方式教导孩子做正确的,否则则像反, 然后说了一个例子,说有个小孩叫J什么的,现在忘记了,老是在课堂瞎举手当他有问题的时候,但这破坏了课堂,然后有一次,别的小孩都在外面玩,只有他在教室,中间有一点没听明白,总之是你为了教导他,然后鼓励他说,你举手的行为很好,你问题很棒,然后他很开心,以后就懂得了先举手在问问题


Task 5 学生困难: The girl has a problem: she can’t register for Dr. Jonson’s Asian history class because the register office has closed the class. 解决方案: Two choice: 1. Take the class in summer with the same professor. But a 3 week’s class will be more intensive. Plus, she can’t get home to visit her parents early in the summer. 2. Take the class this semester with another new professor. She is not sure whether the professor is good or not.


Task 6

对不同市场采取不同的策略, 分为consumer market和industrial market。教授首先讲企业需要决定自己的营销对象,然后采用相应的打广告的方法。然后讲了两种形式:一种是针对广大消费者,那么企业就要广泛做广告。另一种是针对特定组织或者商人的。举了一个例子是office furniture ,这种情况下直接和人家的领导谈就好了。


Task 1Favorite room 介绍你最喜欢的房间,可以是你自己的卧室或是其他的。


Task 2 学习是自己读书还是听讲座好


Task4 【reading】:autogenetic succession 【autogenic succession网络中的名称)(自发演替)】。 a change of the ecosystem brought in by the organisms themselves就是某生态环境可能因为当地植物而改变,从而变得适合另一种生物成长而取代原先的植物。(网络释义:通过群落对环境的反作用使环境条件发生变化,由于这些变化了的条件的作用形成了新的群落而引起演替) 【listening】:某地sunny and dry, 适合 pine trees,所以形成了一片松树林,松树林的落叶覆盖土壤,树林遮蔽阳光,某地就变的wet and shady,适合橡树生长,很多年后,这片树林大部分都是橡树了


Task 3,6已考


Task 5 一哥们碰到问题,他想看晚上的演唱会,又想参加一个Play。解决方法:先去看演唱会,晚点儿去play。第二个是今天去演唱会,第二天去play,但第二天的play效果没个好,他会有点失望


Task 1 如果别人去你国家,你推荐什么食物给他?and why?


Task 3 是学校要offer lounge for commuter.奇迹这个女的居然同意这个观点,1,可以交流学习吧2,可以看电视什么的3,有公告栏可以share information,还可以节约什么car 钱。


Task 4 已考


Task 5 阅读说学校对theatre专业的有新要求take a trip off campus,看专业的product,要花35元。女的问男的态度,男的很欢迎,说对理解有帮助,花钱也不多,花3次的钱可以看一次免费的。


Task 6 讲考古学家如何确认古人们吃什么食物。一是通过画家的作品二是通过残留的种子.



Task 1 Describe a news or a story that you are interested in recently. And explain why you think it was interesting。


Task 2 Some students prefer to take a essay question where they must write an essay to a question. Other students prefer to take a test with objective questions. Which type of exam question do you prefer?


Task 3一个学生给的提议,说学校地上垃圾多,张贴画也脏,多。提议学生组成volunteer,分组拾垃圾。听力中两个学生讨论,一个女生就不同意,她说:脏要看情况,我们学校这么大,人这么多。刚扫干净,又会有垃圾,张贴画,你撕了人家再贴,也是一样的,而且学生到学校是学习的,不是做志愿者的。真要干净校园,学校要雇人,花钱叫专人来干。


Task 4 The professor talks about egocentric thinking in children, which means that children think other people will see or understand the world in the same way like them. e.g.A child was lead in a room with a small house in it.The child was standing in front of the house, which has a red door.The researcher went to the other side of the house.When he asked the child :" what am I watching?", the child answered:" A red door." which was exactly the thing that child was watching.


Task 5 男生有问题,打印机坏了,哲学课的论文的最后几页褶皱了。两种方案,一个是另外打一份,弊端是浪费了经济课讨论小组,另一个方法是找教授说明情况,弊端是让教授觉得不够重视,发表自己的观点


Task 6 lecture 讲的是生物老师在介绍某一种海里的动物(很常见的,记不起来了),怎么防御敌人。因为在水里,其实很不好防御的,但是,这些动物就adapt 了这个水里的环境,会发育成适应这种环境的器官。比如说,这种动物,有compound eyes,一对眼睛露出水面观察,一对眼睛还在水里盯着。还有一种进化的器官就是一种啥东西,反正能根据游过来的动物的水的震动啥的来判断并防御。(第二种方法实在记不太清)问题问的是:总结下这种动物的这两个adapt 环境而发育的器官


Task 1 what do you think is the most important quality of a working environment: good leaders, good colleagues, or flexible time?


Task 2 你是否同意,现在的学生要比以前更加work harder in study?


Task 3

是讲一个学校推出了一个新的announcement给freshman, Biology department. 说学生一起学习(group study)可以best know the equipment and improve academic study, and in addition , can meet and make new friends. However, in the conversation, the girl said the study group sort of thing doesn’t help. Because people have their own way to study, expect those who doesn’t know how to study. So she prefers to work alone. the second point is that she thinks that if people in the same department, they will have class together, so they eventually will meet each other. So you don’t really need to go to the study group.


Task 4 alarm cells(后面这个词不确定),就是讲动物可以发出一种signal让它的同伴意识到危险,但是有时这些alarm is deceptive。教授举例,说科学家做了一个实验,研究一种monkey who search food together and share with each other. 当它们遇到predator(一个比较奇怪的名字),它们会怎么叫(楼主没听清楚或者是英语单词有限)让每个同伴都听到,大家就躲起来。但是有一次,科学家观察到一群monkey找到了Foods and 准备要eat 了,突然一只猴子叫了起来,其他所有的同伴都逃跑躲在树后面。过了一会他们出来后,才发现那只叫的猴子Sit alone and eat all the food.


Task 5 男的有问题了。他必须写一个4页的Paper 明早交,他发现了一本有用的书在图书馆。(看着句式多美式)然他跑出去跟朋友玩,回来晚了发现星期天图书馆没有开门借不到书。他给自己想了两个办法。一是换另一Topic/poe 二是明天早上早点起来去图书馆借书再写,几个小时就搞定了。


Task 6 讲Marketing有关的,说services是现代营销的一个重要的东西,然后讲怎么让消费者相信他们的Service是好的呢?教授举例她的一个朋友,是一个Painter 专门刷House的。但是很少人知道她,因为她以前不做这个。然后她的朋友就让一些消费者写有关于她的作品的评论,吸引了很多人过来。另外一种策略是,她的朋友把以前做过的Work拍照 take photograph,一些Potential customers也对她的工作产生了兴趣。


Task 1 do you agree or disagree the university's decision to allow food during the class.


Task 2someone likes to collect old things, someone throw things away after they used it. what's your preference?


Task 3 Coffee shop on campus plan to have live music performed by students on Friday night started next month; the store manager believed that student will largely participate in both performance and attendance for the concert. The female student would like to participate playing guitar and singing. This kind of live music in this area cost a lot; compared to that, the coffee shop provides affordable live music experience.


Task 4 planning fallacy. fail to consider all the possible factors that affect the project and lead to the inaccuracy in estimate the time that cost to complete then lead to bad consequences.


Task 5 schedule conflicts. skii trip of this weekend, however, her cousin is coming for a conference in town and would like to have dinner with her on Saturday night. Solution 1. ask the cousin to come on Friday night instead, therefore, she can still go for the trip from Saturday to Sunday. Solution 2. have dinner with her cousin on Saturday, and join the trip on Sunday for a couple hours.


Task 6 freshwater ecosystem; 2 ways that human being cause the death of native fish; a.is by building canal, results in the coming of new fish speciies, who are predetors of native fish. b. by cutting trees, left nothing to block the sunshine, increase the water temprature, less oxegeon, death of fish.


Task 1 Describe your favorite movie star or singer


Task 2 listening the audio 书和read book 你喜欢那个


Task 3 share dorm 是否要分享宿舍并选舍友在大学第二年以后,女的反对


Task 4

讲植物的防御的两个process~professor举得例子一种树~砍掉它的branch~会分泌chemical 然后第二部这个chemical也会作为信号让别的植物(还是植物的其他部分)也知道受到危险然后一起分泌化学物质


Task 6 social cooperation among animals benefits the whole group。举了两个例子:例子1、如果一只鹿自己吃feeding alone,在吃的同时必须警惕alert狼和熊等天敌predator的攻击。吃的时候不能专心,效率低、吃得少。然而,一群deers成群in a group吃东西,比一只鹿自己吃更好。集体有所分工,一些鹿轮流take turn站岗放哨,防卫predator。另一些就能安心well进食,高效地吃more efficiently。例子2、一个蜜蜂honey bee回到蜂巢hive通过跳一种特殊的舞special dance,如0字舞和8字舞,来分享share关于它找到的食物源food source的信息information(about where the food source is和距离(location and distance))。这样,整个蜂群都会收益the whole group will benefit from the bee。



Task 1 问你不喜欢哪种音乐。给出原因。


Task 2 说有的大学生喜欢选school work,有的喜欢选club的等。问选哪种好,为什么。


Task 3 有人写信提议学校的体育馆早上只对篮球队开放,要不人太多篮球队等的蛋疼。而且体育馆可以晚上多开点时间给那些普通同学。女生说这个提议太弱了因为好多同学晚上木时间,人家有打工还有其他活动啊。还有早上篮球队等太久是因为有人总霸占器械太久,应该搞个time limit制度。


Task 4 一种environment disturbance 是一种因自然原因或人为活动对植物生长的干扰。叫兽举了个栗子,一块地有一种blue grass 长得太多太密集了把阳光都挡住了, 其他植物无法在此生存。 然后放牛的人来了,牛把这些草啃掉好多,这样有空间又有阳光,小野花也能在这长了,不仅仅是blue grass一种。


Task 5 一个男孩对一个女生说今晚是学校演出最后一晚了你不去咩? 女生说票搞得到但是今晚她应该在实验室shelve books 干几个小时肿么办? 1. 她可以第二天早上早起去图书馆把昨晚活干了。但是要6点起,参加演出和派对太累了。 2. 她可以拜托其他人替她把工作做了,只要罩得住别让她因为缺席而扣工资。


Task 6 已考


Task 1 describe a toy and a game special in childhood?


Task 2 喜欢一个人旅行还是跟family一起,Why?


Task 3 文章内容: 学校出公告要建一个housing office for off-campus.对话: 女生同意觉得很好.原因:1)是on-campus的dorm已经overcrowded了.2)是新生不熟悉本地环境.这个office正好帮助他们.问总结女生观点。


Task 4 讲irrigation(灌溉系统)的缺点:一是水量不好控制经常多,这样就促进了disease的生长.所以要小心设计.二是有些水盐分多,灌溉了之后土就不方便长农作物了.问题总结缺点。


Task 5 一个女生的笔记本电脑坏了,修不好.里面有期末考试的复习文件.两个建议:一个选择是rent电脑.但是她觉得太贵了不值.另一个选择是和roommate共用,就是需要arrange the schedule.问你推荐哪个建议?


Task 6 business class讲lateral view(侧面观点).就是从一个新的观点来看问题. 对话里的教授举了一个例子:一个经营宾馆的人老遭到顾客抱怨说等电梯时间太长.然后经理先去找了电梯生产商,发现解决问题成本太高.然后他的员工给他提意见说可以在电梯前装个电视,顾客就不觉得无聊了.问题让你用这个例子来说明lateral view.



Task 1 说小孩子玩电子游戏有advantage也有disadvantage,分别说说并给出例子.


Task 2 说product有说明书,你会看说明书使用,还是自己研究怎么用.


Task 3 政策是学校在期末期间将延长cafeteria营业时间.结果那男的竟然同意!!我是按照不同意打的草稿,杯具.还好改起来也容易.男的说好,一是因为学生都在复习没精力煮饭,又不能老是简单对付,所以有吃的买当然好.二是以前晚上想和同学小组讨论一起复习都没地方,只好去学校外面找地方,现在可以去cafeteria.

Task 4已考

Task 5 那男生的问题是他的心理课有小组讨论,他的小组的习惯是每周到一个组员家里,那个组员煮饭给大家吃,然后一起讨论.这周轮到他但是他忘了,现在已经来不及煮饭了.两个解决方案一是买餐厅的外卖带回家,但那男的又说这样贵,自己前段时间已经花了很多钱了.二是打电话给大家叫他们晚点来,自己赶快回家弄点简单的东西,又怕大家等的饿,还会影响饭后的讨论.


Task 6 老师介绍了successful people是怎样set up goals的, 说了他们的goal都有两个特点,specific and realistic, 然后分别举了两个例子, Specific: 就说如果一个人的目标是:我年底要买车,这个目标就不specific,但如果目标是,我要买什么型号的车,我的预算是多少钱,我该怎么买,我该怎么攒钱,这样就specific了. Realistic: 如果一个人的目标是,我今天晚上要看100页书,这就不显示,因为还有很多事情要做,但是目标定为一周看100也,这样就现实了,能够accomplish了



Task 1 已考

Task 2 同不同意有好朋友一起去上课计较好?


Task 3 reading是一个news,讲town里的餐馆计划对所有大学生八折,这样好处有:1,学生比较affordable去外面吃,2. 更多人去餐馆消费,对餐馆有利 listening里男的觉得这个主意好,因为学生已经对学校的餐感觉bored,这样可以让他们affordable外面尝试其他的食物。而且本身town很小,人很多,但是餐馆生意本来就不好,这样多学生去消费,即使八折,对餐馆也是有利。


Task 4 reading是讲每个文化对于其他culture都不是完全接受的,通常是接受part of it, 对它做出改变,然后接受。

listening是讲一个north russia and south Russia的domesticate animal的例子。south Russia的人会养牛和马来get milk or push cars. north russia的人知道后也回去这样做,但是由于north russia比较冷,不成功,所以利用另外一种什么动物,这样动物,这种动物以前是养来get meat的,后来可以用来在雪地上拉什么东东。


Task 5 一个女的想去图书馆做research,但是图书馆close, because it's hour change due to summer break. The woman wants finish tonight. She has two solutions. The first one is to stay over night ,but her mom will make her some kind of food . If she can not go home , her mom will be disappointed. second, she can go the other branch, which is smaller and has limit information.


 Task 6 讲座关于环境科学,如何解决城市的air pollution solution1:subway system improvement,这样人们去做地铁,减少开车,减少排放,空气 自然就好了 solution2:使用一些易于净化汽车排放的建筑建材,材料里面好像含有carbitol,这样可以帮助氧化净化排放的气体,从而clean up the air



Task 1 大概是现在机器人代替人完成了很多过去手工完成的东西,你觉得好不好?


Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are old enough to do so. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Task 3 好像是每个月组织个活动,提供早餐并且有教授讲话。两个学生很支持~~


Task 4 大概是passive blabla的一个概念,就是提前想好会发生的坏事,然后做好准备。例子是教授跟一个人一起去纽约开会,然后托运的行李没到,他的那个同事把要用衣服和重要的文件都放到随身的行李箱了,因为他提前都预料到了各种可能会发生的情况……


Task 5 大概是一个教授因为family emergency不能如期给一个classic movie神马的做讲话,两个方案是推迟放映VS那个男学生自己讲(貌似他in charge of the club)。


Task 6动物对抗炎热或干燥等恶劣气候prevent themselves from the hard weather,such as hot and dry weather,有两类方法strategies。 教授拿snail举例:种方法、天气炎热时,它会躲到树荫下、叶子下避暑。如果地面太热,它会爬到上树。第二种方法、天气干燥时它会躲在shell里,并制造出一种物质覆盖着自己的身体,这样可以防止水分蒸发、保持湿度store


Task 1 外国友人来到你的city你会带他去哪里(工厂,university,museum) 三选一,并描述形成


Task 2 people dress can express their personality or not


Task 3 关于学校新的出勤政策 全校范围内查勤 和学习成绩挂钩神马的 学校说一这是为了防止你们逃课要严控 二是各个课程的出席政策不一样 特乱 这样正好统一了 然后有个GG不以为然 他说 一现在的教授要求有的都很严了全校的政策如果还不如教授自己的严不就也没什么作用么 二是所有教授在节课时候都会把自己的政策放在课程介绍里告诉选这个课的童鞋 童鞋们都知道自己课的要求 不会乱


Task 4 forest fire 的好处:1. 对捕食者有好处,可以更加easy的发现猎物,比如white turky,着火时它们就再旁边儿等着猎物2.给一些动物尤其是young animal提供place to live, 比如一种有毒的tree 被烧死后可以供bettles 产卵,然后小bettles可以在那里长大


Task 5 对话里,男生说要交一application for intern。但是时间很紧张,自己又有很多work要做,申请时有推荐信,但是时间太紧了不好找老师写。


Task 6 两种不同的眼泪如何保护眼睛的,种tears是叫bezel(音译)tears 是continuously的,举了一个例子说在大街上很脏然后这种眼泪在眨眼的时候就可以湿润眼睛 以此kill bacteria;第二种是反射性的tear 是必要时才有的occasionally,比如在海滩的时候有异物里如sand落到眼睛里,会产生这种tear把异物wash掉,以防眼睛damaged


Task 1 Describe an activity that you enjoyed doing together with your family in your childhood. Explain why it was enjoyable to do this activity with your family. Please include reasons and details in your response.


Task 2 Social model:A person who is similar to you, or have similar ability with you,they can be a social model: 。For example:your old sister plays piano well。you are similar to your sister。So you believe you also can play piano well。


Task 3 Letter proposal: 1) convert large empty room in Maths building into small cafeteria. Student will can eat between classes 2) install recharge outlets in new cafeteria so student can recharge their laptops. Woman agree: 1) Convenient - student can eat between classes as the current student center where the cafeteria is located is far away- save more time to go to next classes in Math Building 2) Recharge outlets- students always use laptops during classes - allows students to recharge and doing homework at the same time. Plus the Math building is old.


Task 4 Diffusion effects- when information is shared between the 2 groups involved in the research, this will make the research outcome become ineffective/useless or this will defeat the original purpose/objective of the research. The professor provides example of Group A and B in an office environment; Group A is told to perform stretching exercise to improve their health condition. Group B is told to continue on their existing work/ behavior. When one member is Group A leaked/told a member in Group B that he actually feels good about stretching exercise at workplace. Group B member will follow. The results of the research is not reliable since Group B follows the same advise as Group A.


Task 5 Problem: waiting for friend who might not turn up and the guy miss his flight. option 1; take a bus, but no direct bus to the airport. Need to change bus, plus heavy suitcase. option 2: take a cab but expensive. Even enough to pay for taxi but plan to use the money to buy things during spring break.


Task 6

【讲课要点】:self-efficacy:own belief on the ability to do well in some subjects。有两种two sources:Source 1、from your own past experience。For example:you always do well in math exam,下次考试也会很believe you will do well in math exam。Source 2、from other's experience you observed,they can be a social model: 如果一个和自己similar的人可以conquer困难,那么相信自己也可以conquer困难。For example:your old sister plays piano well。you is influenced by your sister。So you believe you also can play piano well。


Task 1What suggestion would you like to give to child who is starting school for the first time. Use reasons and specific examples to explain why this suggestion is important.


Task 2 Do you like to buy new books or used books?


Task 3 学校有一个新的mentoring program, 是让大四的人带大一的人有两个好处,大四的人知道的比较多,还有就是大一新生可以有更多social.听力同意这个plan, 因为那人说他大一的什么都不知道,比如说schedule change还有,building location,所以有个人能告诉他这些info的话会很有帮助,另一个理由是,他大一的时候认识的人都是大一的或者住在一起的很局限,能认识更多不同年级的人的话会更好。


Task 4 已考

Task 5【学生困难】:男生的物理课学不好,跟不上进度。 【解决方案】:女生给他两个方案:方案1、找个专业的家教professional tutor。但男生说找professional tutor贵,他必须打更多的工才能把辅导费挣出来。方案2、请室友roommate(是一物理专业学生)给他辅导。男生说虽然很便宜,但他室友非常忙(好象参加了个basketball team而且室友是一个double major(同时主修两个专业的学生))。等每天室友忙完自己的工作是已经是深夜了。


Task 6 crop rotation 说了两个好处。一个是调节土壤的营养。 例子是 wheat used up nitrogen 但是bean add back nitrogen。第二个是杀虫。还是wheat和bean的例子,这个我自己也没听很清楚。。。。大概是insect的food source会limit



Task 1 是说有些大学把paper books或者magazines给卖掉了,取而代之的是electronic books,你觉得可行不可行。


Task 2 是问Government该不该spend money on encouraging citizens to lead a healthy lifestyle。


Task 3 读短文,然后听听力总结;短文内容是说现在的Modern literature课越来越popular,有些大学就采取了两个方法让更多的同学enroll。方法一:把小教室换成大教室;方法二,把课时加到晚上,让更多的人来听。听力内容是一男一女,男的不同意学校的方法,理由是小教室更方便group discussion,大教室距离远了不好操作;而有的同学晚上有活动,有jobs to do,肯定没有时间来参加晚上的课时。



Task 4 讲了一个叫反映(response)难易度(effort)的名词。不知该怎么翻译,反正就是讲完成一个任务需要的力气越少,人们完成的会越好。例子讲了一个幼儿园老师要求孩子们画完画后讲蜡笔放回原来的盒子里收好,可是很多人都没那么做。因为那个盒子太小了,孩子们方不进去,他们试了几次后就放弃了。然后老师要求把蜡笔放在一个塑料盆里,这个工作很简单,所有的孩子都做到了。


Task 5 一个女生申请向往的杂志社的summber job,是毕业想工作的地方,但是发现申请截止日不是下周而是明天中午,不知道怎么办好,杂志社距离不远,坐车1小时,女生想明天一早去,男生提醒他明天一早有生物课review,除非特别早去然后赶回来;或者叫快递。女生担心快递送不到,因为很重视这个job


Task 6 是一个教授的小讲座,说monkey常年住在树上,该怎么喝水。举了两个例子,个是一种monkey(记不得名字了,屏幕上会出现),这种monkey只要吃新鲜多汁的叶子(tender leaves)就可以补充足够的水分;另一些monkey是去下雨后积水形成的小池塘里喝水;有一种spider monkey是寻找cup-shaped 的植物,利用植物作容器喝水。


Task 1what food do you suggest university cafeteria should add to attract more people?


Task 2 已考

Task 3 学校有一个新的mentoring program, 是让大四的人带大一的人有两个好处,大四的人知道的比较多,还有就是大一新生可以有更多social.听力同意这个plan, 因为那人说他大一的什么都不知道,比如说schedule change还有,building location,所以有个人能告诉他这些info的话会很有帮助,另一个理由是,他大一的时候认识的人都是大一的或者住在一起的很局限,能认识更多不同年级的人的话会更好。


Task 4

好像说一个心理现象,dependency effect? 如果说一个人觉得另一个人有用的话,或者说对那个人的成功有帮助的话会有比较好的印象。教授举了一个例子说卖office equipment的公司,sales group。他们的奖金跟sales有很大的关系 分成两组 都看了一段video关于一个sales person的work experience, 但是第二组的人被告知,这个video里的人会加入他们的小组,他们两组对于那个sales person的印象于是就有所不同,第二组的人比较focus on personality并且对他有比较好的印象。


Task 5 女生要采访一个magazine的创始人为了学习关于how to start up business, 但是问题是那个人out of town了,然后有两个解决方法。个是,下个星期采访,但是会给那个女生less time to write paper, 另一个方法是采访别的人,但是area会不一样,女生对那个magazine很感兴趣。


Task 6 【讲课要点】:教授讲可以研究动物化石animal fossil里的mineral proportion推测古代气候ancient climate。因为不同的气候会对形成化石的生物organisms产生不同影响。举例:shellfish的shell化石里的镁magnesium quantity随着海水温度temperature的变化而变化。magnesium含量level越高,temperature越高。magnesium含量level越低,temperature越低。所以,通过把古代化石里的magnesium含量和现在在同一个地方的shellfish壳里的含量加以比照,我们就可以推测古代海水是colder还是warmer了。





Task 1 Talk about a book you have not read but you want to because it is important


Task 2 Cell phone, you prefer to carry it with you all the time or not all the time, why, using details and example


Task 3 阅读讲的是有人写信给学校,要求把期末的1天的复习之类的活动延长至3天。 男生问女生:你有什么看法。女生说:不太好。,学习应该是一个持久而长期的过程,不是在最后期末时来一蹴而就的。第二:professors到期末都很忙,学生也不好make a appointment with them。


Task 4 热带雨林植物如何生存 plants in rain forest 1.张在其他植物上面, 站得高可以吸收到阳光 2.身体有特征, 能存水, 有能形成碗一样的部分,然后存水, 叶子可以引导水到这个碗里面, 碗里面进来的小虫子啥的还能用化学反应处理掉 然后进行消化 当作营养. 这些小虫子啥的都是又这些水引进到碗里面的


Task 5 哥们儿弄了个乐队,要整concert, 但是希望在summer之前人走光办, 但是周末都被订满了auditorium, 所以只有周三又opening a.周三弄,但是人太少 b.周末有另外一个乐队,他们说可以一起,但是表演时间要变少!


Task 6 Business strategy 吸引客人 a.Mustard 盒子的例子, 以前装mustard都用玻璃瓶子, 还有个lid, 很难打开, 打开之后还要用勺子, 或者直接到上去. 现在都用塑料的, 直接挤就行了, 想寄多少就挤多少 b.Appearance改变, cookie box for example, use metal box with nice figures and pictures 挺漂亮,客人来了拿出来有面儿, 大家都开心.


Task 1 Where do you prefer to go shopping?


Task 2 Is that important to learn from ancestry?


Task 3 学校不准学生在草地上踢球 1. 破坏草地 2.制造噪音 男学生同意 1. 以前草地很漂亮的 现在草地很惨尤其球门前都快沒有草了,2. 的确引起学生注意,因为有些人利用空闲时间工作或者念书


Task 4 about overconfidence effect 指经过一段努力为了达到特別目标,虽然结果不如预期,但是得到意外好結果 教授举例他儿子以前想要去一间报社工作因为这工作很竞争,所以他努力把成绩做好 还拿到好的推荐信,最后虽然他没有上,但是因为成绩好,找到好工作

Task 5 女生要画她室友 画到一半但是她室友先溜了他没完成作业 两个建议1. 和教授延长一个星期,但是下周考生物 2. 找其他学生,但是其他学生下周去见父母


Task 6 山区预防土壤流失 1. 同一片地种植两种不同作物 例如 稻子和麦子,因为收获期不同,所以在收获期有另一种植物的根可以抓土壤 2. 可以减少雨水的沖刷  关于两个方法防止soil erosion的,个在不同的行种不同的植物。第二个好像是减少下雨时雨水对表层土壤的冲刷。



Task 1 什么东西进步是你觉得你国家在过去20年里最重要的。

Task 2,4,5,6已考

Task 3 学校要请一个职业的导演 女学生反对 个理由是 因为那个职业导演很忙 一个礼拜只能来学校一次 倒不如请学生导演 第二理由是 只有那个领域的人知道这个人其他观众根本不认识他



Task 1 Your friend wants to drive away the fear when speak in front of groups of people, what suggestion you would give her?


Task 2 Do you prefer to have fast food in the fast-food restaurant?


Task 3 State university is planning to post off-campus job opportunities on the university's newspaper: 1) let the student aware that there are lots of job opportunities available 2) help students to find a job that is relevant to their major The woman agrees with the above plan:(use her own exp. and her friends exp. ) 1) hard for them, esp first grade students to find a job on campus in that the # of jobs offered are limited & they will be occupied very quickly 2) Her friend who majoring in law, but only get a job in a book store, which does not contributes too much to her future occupation.


Task 4 Reading passage: defi: place marketing which is accomplished by using the most unique feature of a place to attract lots of visitors. Lecture: certain town wants to improve its economy, aimed at improving tourism first. the town has a very beautiful beach with bicycle paths around the town decided to promote active vacations to attract potential visitors(esp young people) turned out to be successful


Task 5 man's problem: going to attend a wedding of his friend, but does not have a suitable suit to wear man suggests by himself: 1) ask his friends to alter the size of the suit available 2) buy his own suit which do you suggest?


Task 6 2 ways of adaptation that trees use to protect themselves from a forest fire 1) cooling the inner part of the tree down 2) remove the resources that might cause a fire(P-Pine tree freq. shake off the small branches to keep off the fire from climbing on the main branch)



Task 1 已考

Task 2 Some students prefer to take a essay question where they must write an essay to a question. Other students prefer to take a test with objective questions. Which type of exam question do you prefer?


Task 3 学校要在宿舍开餐厅,有利于大家交流学习也给大家提供了另外一个吃饭的地方 Task 4,5已考


Task 6 一些动物的妈妈会让同种族的年轻一点的女性来照顾自己的小孩,这样她就可以出去采食和活动,同时也训练了那些即将当妈妈的mothering skill。



Task1我们现在社会面临着很严重的环境问题,选取一个你认为有用的方法来save our planet。


Task 2 你是愿意carefully choose the gift which your friends like or choose whatever you like?比如说money。


Task 3 关于停车场不够要改造停车场。有人建议多建停车场, 对话里头女的不同意。因为1)图书馆和食堂边上都可以停,而且走两步没什么问题。2)校园绿化本来就不多,所以不可以把绿地改造成停车场。


Task 4 讲demand shifting。Two strategies of demand shift reduce the peak-peak demanding; increase the poor-peak demanding.教授举例说他的一个在洛杉矶的朋友开了一家餐馆,这个餐馆在晚上7-9点之间,人声鼎沸,很少有位置。有些顾客愿意等位置,但很多人都不想等而是换其它地方吃饭。于是,教授的朋友就creat a new deal。对于7点之前吃饭的顾客就免费提供desert。于是有些原来七点后来的顾客为了得到免费甜品,就提早来,并且提前结束吃饭。这样餐馆比以前更加赚钱。


Task 5 女的在小学当志愿者,和她的小学生们约好周末去野餐。但周末天气不好。 所以有两个选择改计划,但很麻烦,因为家长也要去。 2)改地点,去餐厅吃。但在室内吃饭没有在外面有趣。


Task 6 讲群居动物都有两种表现:一种是凶猛的表现,此行为不会影响彼此,反而能保护彼此。比如两个猩猩一起看到一个食物,先看到的猩猩就会表现凶悍,这样后看到的猩猩就心领神会了,自然不会打架。第二种是友好表现,如果两个猩猩真的打架之类的话,打完了猩猩就会互相拥抱,以表善意。



Task 1,2,4已考


Task 3 Coffee shop on campus plan to have live music performed by students on Friday night started next month; the store manager believed that student will largely participate in both performance and attendance for the concert. The female student would like to participate playing guitar and singing. This kind of live music in this area cost a lot; compared to that, the coffee shop provide affordable live music experience.


Task 5 Listening: The man has a problem. This year is his calculus prof.'s first teaching. He isn't used to his way of explaining... The prof. teaches too fast, he gets confused. Two solutions: 1. He says he can switch to another calculus section, but has to take it in the evening when he wants to do homework or hang out with friends. 2. He also says he can organize a study group to discuss what they learnt after class. But it'll cost extra time.


Task 6 freshwater ecosystem; 2 ways that human being cause the death of native fish; a.is by building canal, results in the coming of new fish speciies, who are predetors of native fish. b. by cutting trees, left nothing to block the sunshine, increase the water temperature, less oxygen, death of fish.



Task 1 内容:Why do you think it is hard for university student to manager time。


Task 2 内容:Some people think in the future students will have classes on the internet in stand of in building, but some thinks students will still have class in building. What do you think?


Task 3 Reading part 学校想增加theater的座位,一个原因是座位少,很多同学买不到票;另一个原因是增加座位以后多卖票能多赚钱。 Listening part 女同学不同意,因为虽然座位少,但是几乎没见过theater坐满过,所以总是能有空座位的;而且增加座位花的钱很多,一两年赚不回来。


Task 4 Reading part internal competition。 Listening part 教授举了个他以前在汽车公司工作的例子,说竞争对手推出了新车上市,他们也得出新车,即使客户大部分还是买原来卖的比较好的车,但是出于竞争,他们也得出新车。


Task 5 Listening part 学生困难: 男生选了American Literature课,但是人巨多,本来应该discuss的课没机会discuss了。 解决方案: 一个是组织outclass discuss group,但是很多人懒得参加,觉得那就跟多选了一门课似的。另一种方法是下学期再学,不过他还有一门别的课现在要写个essay,需要literature这么课的内容。


Task 6 Listening part 讲有些鱼怎么躲避predator的。 种是他们感觉很灵敏,举例子是dony fish头上长了hair之类的可以感知predator。 第二种是有一种能力可以在在水里静止然后躲起来,不让predator察觉到,举例是另一种鱼可以在水里keep still时还让水move,所以就能keep still然后等predator走了。



Task 1 说一个你喜欢的老师,以及你为什么喜欢。

Task 2 ,5已考


Task 3 Dear Editor, I'm a student that would like to provide the university with some recommendations that would improve the effectiveness of our studies. From my own experience as a university student I have come to realize that it would be beneficial for students to bring their computers to class. This would help the students take notes as well as assist them to search relevant information the internet to help them understand lectures better. A: Did you read about the letter a student wrote to the university newspaper? B: No, not really, why? What is it about? A: The student recommended that is should be mandatory for all students to bring a laptop to class. It mentioned that it would be useful for taking notes as well as searching for information to help understand the lectures better.B: That sounds like a good idea. A: No, I think it's not practical at all. B: Why? A: Most of the students that bring a computer to class wouldn't even be paying attention to the lectures anymore. They would just use it to play games or chat with their friends. B: I don't think that's true for all students. A: I know, but this requirement would be prejudice for the students that don't have enough money to buy a computer. Not all of the students can afford a laptop, so would they university provide one for the students that doesn't have one?


Task4,5 已考


Task6 商品的价格对供求关系的影响,两个例子一个是soft drink, 降价了于是卖的好啦~因为消费者会觉得便宜了呢>o< 然后computer呢~~降价了反而卖得不好~~因为消费者觉得便宜没好货



Task 1 describe a toy and a game special in childhood? 反正就乱答了


Task 2 would u like to study with teachers who have more experiences or just begin to teach. 就是问新老师好,还是经验多的好。当然选第二个容易点说。

Task 3,6已考 Task 4 生物的共生。讲了crab住在worm's tube for entire life。


 Task 5 女的电脑烂了。男的说,fix,但是不保证好。男的说买,女生觉得虽然马上可以用但比较贵,而且她想去加拿大旅行。买了就没有钱去旅行了



Task1In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a good school? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.


Task 3,5,6已考


Task 4 MS是心理学,讲教授的roommate假扮老头子表演,一上台感觉more还是那个傻了吧唧的roommate但故事开始不久professor就觉得他是那个故事里a poor family(穷困潦倒还欠了债)里的poor father了于是worried about the family。最后happy end,教授表示为他们高兴。



Task 1 你的一个朋友,你们怎么认识并结成朋友的?


Task 2 你认为是否一个人的personality会随着年龄的增长而改变?

Task 3 Passage:大学增加了技能课,帮助大一的学生知道怎么学习,怎么研究写papaer,(后面应该还有几个,但记8得哩>_<)。以及今后课堂的规模会缩小。 Listening: GG学得这个plan好,因为1.因为以前他大一时就不知道怎么做research,怎么写paper,所以这样做很有用。 2.缩小课堂的规模后,学生就可以有更好的互动,可以有机会多问问题,而不只是象以前一样sitting and listening to the professor了。这样可以学到更多。


Task 4 Passage: 讲的是动物的passive locomotion, 通常动话由于生存的需要会要搬到新的地方去,以获得更多的食物和更好的环境。但也有一些动物是利用外界来移动的,这样的移动就不用耗费physical efforts,这种就叫passive locomotion。 Listening:讲蜘蛛就是利用风来进行移动的。因为蜘蛛是一个large group,所以东东就会不够吃。于是,它们会先吐一根丝,然后风吹这个丝,它就会跟着飘,当丝断了或者是风停了,它就来到了新的地方。如果幸运的话,在新的地方它就是更多的食物可以吃。


Task 5 Problem: MM说她周五要去campaign粉开心,可素米有tent。

Possible Solution: 1.她朋友要借她一个,可素她觉得太旧了,而且上面有小孔,万一下雨怎么办?


Task 6 讲Non-profit Organization滴,这种组织做事有两种方法:1.advocacy 2. direct service Advocacy是指让人们意识到有这样的need和social problem,那么人们就会想办法解决这些问题、满足这些需求 Direct Servicej是指该组织直接参加其想要做的公益事业中 Example:用了一个play ground的例子解释了两种方法。 要造一个play ground用A法:a.在报纸上写文章,鼓动人们出钱、出力建造。b.在TV, Radio上作广告 要造一个play ground用DS法:该组织自己组织施工、参与建造与管理



Task 1,4,5已考


Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are old enough to do so. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Task 3 reading:学校打算新开一门课程,教学生如何写project和thesis,并强制学生参加 conversation:男生很喜欢这个课程,原因有三:一他本身不会写 thesis,他心理学的一个project修改了两次才最后通过,这个课程对他很有用 二》可以看到别的学生怎么写,学习别人好的地方 三》也可以看到别的学生的错误,下次再自己的project里面避免类似错误


Task 6 2 ways of adaptation that trees use to protect themselves from a forest fire 1) cooling the inner part of the tree down 2) remove the resources that might cause a fire(P-Pine tree freq. shake off the small branches to keep off the fire from climbing on the main branch)


the experience of doing what you do not want to do


Task 2 是准备好做一件事还是立即做一件事


Task 3 jazz band 要在afternoon在校园的 lawn 开 concert , woman 不满意 因为1. 学生要学习, 会打扰, evening 更好 2. 很多人聚堆会踏坏草坪


Task 4 为了确定 service 在 consumer 当中的印象, 用observation 而不是用普通的 ask questions,因为 questions让人觉得烦,会给negative answer,例子是一个museum 有3 parts 要知道 哪个 part 更 popular


Task 5 男子的问题, summer job, 租了个房子, 但kitchen unavailable, 2 decisions:1. friend 有kitchen,一起用, 但是会inconvenient.2. 在 school cafeteria 买个 plan ,很便宜,但距离远


Task 6 plant shed themselves 1. prevent damage 例子 marple tree 在冬天来临时掉叶子,要不snow和ice附在叶子上会压坏枝条,2. reserve nutrient 例子 avo什么 tree 结果子时会让一些果子提前掉下以获得足够营养让果子成熟



Task 1 what do you think is the most important quality of a working environment: good leaders, good colleagues, or flexible time?


Task 2 你认为cell phone是否大大提高人类生活


Task 3 学校policy 让所有大一新生明年统一搬到 baxter dormitory,其他年级的搬到其他宿舍,原因是这样更有利于大一学生在一起,经历同样问题可以一起商量解决,更好度过大一。某男是支持的态度:1.结合他自己经历,当年他大一小屁孩一个碰到问题没人问很郁闷,现在他想小娃子聚到一起商量肯定好得多。2某女问他那你不得搬家到其他宿舍吗,他说不要紧我搬到个更新的宿舍地儿更大可以放下我的更多东西


Task 4 关于 kinesthetic (运动觉的)learning

reading: 介绍 kinesthetic learning 就是一种不同于传统方法的教学方法,让学生们参与,寓教于乐的方法(大概意思,不是原文翻译) 听力:就1个例子,南教授,以前给小学生(elementary school)讲课,叫他们 how to tell time.他先是用老方法,自己拿个图表(跟定是拿东西演示,是不是图表忘了)教他们如何看时间,他发现学生觉得很无聊。 之后他就,拿张纸,在上边画个表的外框,让一个同学拿着这个外框装钟表,另一个同学用手臂当表的指针(the hands of the clock). 以这种 game 的方法使教学有趣,有效


Task 5 已考

Task 6 商务经济类,关于 collect information for business marketing 的 2 个方法,是quantity way,例子是,一个 car manufacture, use 这个方法通过大量调查,发现没有孩子的客户购买量大,而有孩子的客户购买量小。 第二个方法是 opinion based 就是问卷调查之类的。之后该公司为了查明为什么有孩子的客户购买量小,就用该方法 survey 问卷调查,发现是 car 的 back seat 有问题,孩子觉得不舒服。



Task 1 说一件你在不久未来会去做的activity.


Task 2 有些人认为上课要记笔记,有些人则认为不需要笔记或者很少记。问你的意见。


Task 3 reading部分:有封写给的信,建议add the kitchen in the student dormitory,理由:1、有足够的空间安置厨房设备;2、cooking skill is useful. conversation部分:gg反对,理由:1、放厨房的空间原本可以用来watch TV,or taking social activities. 2、不认为cooking is a useful skill and 大部分学生很busy,而学习新的技巧,演习菜谱都会占用学习。


Task 4 reading is mainly talking about animal communication.composition communication.就是指动物用超过2种的技巧来传达他们的emotion. speaking: 主要拿自家的狗举例子,在两种不同状况下的表现: (1)在周围很nosiy的情况下,尤其当当狗狗看到大的开车经过并伴随噪音,狗狗会有烦躁,愤怒,出现的动作是耳朵竖起来,会yell等; (2)如果看到邻居的狗狗,也会出现耳朵竖起来等情况,但并不是烦躁愤怒,而是很开心


Task 5 gg碰到的问题:要在的newspaper上发文章,但是照片处理出现些问题。mm推荐方法1,不要放照片上去。但是gg觉得这样文章缺少吸引力。方法2,还有一天的时间,争取重新去拍照片。


Task 6 讲the two strategics of making the students to follow the rule in class . (1)跟学生解释为啥要制定这个规定。举例说明:老师曾经在小学执教,并制定了不允许在课堂上吃东西和饮料的规定,但是很多人不follow.但老师解释制定这个规定是为了让学生更好的集中精力学习后,情况就改善了。 (2)让学生认同 the rule.例子: 当老师制定新的规则后,让所有的学生都签名,并放置在教室里面。这样所有的学生对着自己签名的rule,就不会再犯错了。



Task 1 Describe an activity that you enjoyed doing together with your family in your childhood. Explain why it was enjoyable to do this activity with your family. Please include reasons and details in your response.


Task 2 Social model:A person who is similar to you, or have similar ability with you,they can be a social model: 。For example:your old sister plays piano well。you are similar to your sister。So you believe you also can play piano well。


Task 3,5已考

Task 4 【名词解释】:一个概念,prenatal learning(胎教):begin learning before birth。

【教授举例】:教授举一关于murr-birds的例子:a mom murr-bird makes unique sound toward her eggs before they hatch。After the hatch,baby murr-birds are very close to each other and all look alike。Mother bird will fly over the babies The mom murr-bird will make the same sound she made to herbaby murr-bird. Her baby murr-bird will follow her and make the same sound。Since the sound is unique,a mom murr-bird can recognize its baby , feed it and take care of it。第四题:example of a bird called murr。it used the unique noise to identify its babies after they hatch. Because many murr birds will stay close together and look like. 妈妈就在天空飞,小MURR就回应他们妈妈的noise,妈妈就能认出他们,好feed。这个文章有讲,重要意义在于增加chance of survival


Task 6 【讲课要点】:self-efficacy:own belief on the ability to do well in some subjects。有两种two sources:Source 1、from your own past experience。For example:you always do well in math exam,下次考试也会很believe you will do well in math exam。Source 2、from other's experience you observed,they can be a social model: 如果一个和自己similar的人可以conquer困难,那么相信自己也可以conquer困难。For example:your old sister plays piano well。you is influenced by your sister。So you believe you also can play piano well。



Task 1 住哪好1 离家近 2离工作近 3交通方便

Task 2,3,6已考


Task 4 【课文要点】:research enviry此词有问题,大家仔细听 effect,意思是:人们一般做出选择会受到别人的影响。 【教授举例】:教授举了两个例子:有两组跑步运动员athletes:给组athletes每天都吃energy bar,不给第二组athletes吃energy bar。研究两组athletes的跑步速度是否会提高。如果组athletes中的一人是第二组athletes中的一人的朋友,第二组athletes就会知道组athletes每天吃补药,而自己所在的这一组没有给吃energy bar,但是他们不想就这么输掉,每天都很努力的练习。结果as a result,两组athletes的速度都变快了run faster。这个实验就分不清这个energy bar是否有效。


Task 5 已考


Task 1 说说你在餐馆或者咖啡厅的有趣经历。


Task 2 运动方面成功,要靠身体上的天赋还是只靠努力就行?


Task 3 A letter on student's newspaper 作者说学校要reduce expending。考虑到上次诗歌现在演讲都没什么参加,建议学校取消。 对话中,男生西格格和女生说,你听说了吗?人家建议取消诗歌讲座,让你们到图书馆借效果很好的CD你不是这个专业的吗?你怎么想啊?女生表小小愤怒,当然disagree啦!上次没人去是因为学校没做足广告。放在newspaper上有什么用,我又不看的。应该刊登在student center, library,甚至是classroom。男生忙说是是是。女生接着说,其次,听CD?有毛病啊,人家演出么可以有eye contact,body language,还有小讨论,你让我在图书馆傻傻的带着耳机听啊,没感觉的!男生又说,有道理耶~


Task 4 男女对话,女生矛盾问题是,她是个话剧还是舞蹈剧的组织者和编排者。有个舞蹈需要skilled dancer,但她现有的人员,技术太差。她想招募,但怕伤害其队友,怕她们觉得自己舞蹈很差劲(其实就是事实)。于是第二个解决方法是重新编排,但很费时间,最起码几个月,但还有2周就开演了。问你觉得哪个好。(我说还是动作上更新下,换鞋简单的动作。)男生就一配角,她说什么他都yes!


Task 5 social-skill。教授说,这个技能是要教的,培养+train的。比如Mary,小女孩,她的某个东西用完了,直接朝同桌那拿了就用。后来老师教她,拿别人东西前呢,要ask的,而且要有礼貌。后来小女孩知道了,以后每次要借东西都很礼貌的用疑问句问人家。

Task 6 lecture说,为什么大城市比小城镇热呢?原因如下:(1),大城市都是机器,还有汽车,那些气体放热。(2),大城市的马路,街道颜色很深。深色是吸热的,就算到了晚上都散不去。









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