

作者: 2016-11-04 09:59 来源:青岛编辑


  雅思口语part 2总会有一道让大家描述国家的题目,所以今天小编给大家分享的这个高分范文中的选用的素材是印度,原因是什么呢?一起去学习一下吧!


  1、part2 9分范文

  I suppose I should begin by highlighting the point of where this country is. In actual fact, the countries that I have visited so far can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Among those, India is the one that truly amazed me by many factors. India has a very long history, the country is very big and has the second largest population in the world. I guess this is why there are so much to see.

  For me, one of the most interesting places in India is The Ganges River, which is well – known as the longest and holiest river in India. While most rivers around the world are for recreation or sports, the Ganges has many other functions. As the Indians believe, that the river is holy, people come here to pray and wash themselves in its water. In addition, the river also has thousands of people who wash their clothes by beating them on rocks. The other thing that often impresses tourist is the unique architect of Hindu temples all over India and visitors can enter at any time. The temples are usually immense and have antique statutes that are thousands of years old. Visitors are also welcome to eat and sleep in the temples at night if they have no place to go.

  After all, I have to say that paying this beautiful country the second visit in future is one of the prioritized items on my bucket list.



  highlight (v.) 突出,强调: to pick out and emphasize

  e.g. Your reseme should highlight your skills and achievements.

  Count on the fingers of one hand (idiom) 一只手都能数得出来 : if you say that you can count things on the fingers of one hand, you are emphasizing that they are very raree.g. The song “Uptown Funk” has a catchy melody that people love to sing.

  amaze (v.) 感到惊讶: surprise someone strongly

  e.g. Dave amazed his friends by suddenly getting married.

  recreation (n.) 娱乐,消遣: entertainment

  holy (adj.) 神圣的: sacred

  e.g. holy bibble 圣经

  immense (adj.) 巨大的: very large

  e.g. People who travel by rail still read an immense amount.

  antique (adj.) 古老的: old

  e.g. an antique rosewood desk 一个古董级的红木桌子

  pay a visit (expression) 游览: visit

  prioritize (v.) 把…区分优先次序 : treat something as more important than the other things

  e.g. You need to prioritize your tasks.

  The Ganges River 恒河

  Hindu temples 印度教寺庙




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