

作者: 2016-11-23 10:45 来源:青岛编辑





  Your privacy would be protected.


  Example: Owning a home can allow owner to protect their privacy. For instance, if you live with a roommate who always makes noise, you will find it difficult to focus on your work.有一个自己的房子可以更好地保护业主们的隐私。举个例子,假如你是和一个很吵的室友住在一起,你会很难专注在你的工作上的。

  You can take pride in your ownership.


  Example: People who own their own home can take pride in their ownerships.有自己房子的人可以以自己的所有权为傲。

  You have to be responsible for maintenance costs.


  Example: When you live in your home, you will have to be responsible for maintenance costs.住在自己家,你不得不对所有的维修费用负责。

  You have to make a long-term commitment.


  Example: When buying a house, people will be required to make a long-term commitment.当购买一个房子的时候,人们会被要求作出长期的投入及奉献。




  home=house, apartment也就是说home指any place you live

  house=a specific type of building




  1、Apartment block公寓大楼

  英文释义:a large building made up of small units of apartmentsExample: In big city, people usually chose to live in apartment blocks.在大城市,人们通常会选择住在公寓大楼里。

  2、Rented accommodation租房

  英文释义:property owned by someone else and for which a person pays a fixed amount to live inExample: People who have not enough money to buy a house normally live in rented accommodations.没有足够钱买房的人们通常会住在出租的房子里。

  3、Spacious room宽敞的房间

  英文释义: a large roomExample: Their new apartment has five spacious rooms, which is really comfortable for them to live in他们的新公寓有五个宽敞的房间,对于他们来说住的很舒服。

  4、To take out a mortgage按揭贷款

  英文释义: to borrow large amount of money, paid pack over several years, in order to buy a houseExample: The house that she was interested in is really expensive, then she had to take out a mortgage.她看上的那个房子真的很贵,然后她需要按揭贷款。

  5、Permanent address地址

  英文释义:fixed addressExample: I need you to provide me a permanent address, so I could make a contact with you when is needed.我需要你提供给我一个地址,所以当我有什么事的时候可以联系你。

  6、Mod cons /ˌmɒd ˈkɒnz/ 现代化生活设备

  英文释义:technology at home that makes jobs easier such as a washing machine, dishwasherExample: The house now is equipped with mod cons, which can make our lives more comfortable.现在的房子都有现代化的生活设备,这让我们住的更舒服。

  7、To live on campus住校

  英文释义:to live on the university or college groundsExample: I prefer living on campus, because I could have the chance to make a lot of new friends there.我更喜欢住校,因为这样我有机会交到很多新朋友。



  1 Do you live in a house or an apartment?At the moment, I am living in my parents’ house, but in future I am moving in University, and I am gonna live on campus in a double room.

  2 What kind of accommodation do most people live in your city?It depends on where they live. For instance, People who live in urban areas usually live in houses while those who inhabit in urban areas would stay in apartments because there is not enough place for building houses.




  Sample Answer参考范文

  Since I was a young boy, I have always dreamed of my future home. Today I would like to share with you about my ideal place that I would love to live in. It seems to me that urban environment is perfectly suitable for my personality and my needs, then living in an apartment block in a metropolitan is the best choice for me.

  Because owning my own home means that I could do whatever and whenever I like, I have constantly wanted to make my dreamed apartment become true as soon as possible. In there I would live with my future family. Thus, the apartment should be in high floors such as 15th or above, and of course my place should have to be spacious, which is about 200 square meters that means my kids could have enough space to play. There might be a living room, a kitchen, three bedrooms and one balcony. In my ideal apartment, It should be equipped with mod cons, so when it comes to cleaning the house, we will find it easier.

  Also I would plan to put tables and chairs out in my balcony, then I could sit in, have a cup of tea with my wife and experience the city’s view. This I believe will be a memorable memories for my beloved family.




  1、Is it better to own your own home or to rent?I would go for rented accommodation because of its potential advantages. The first benefit is that people who rent a house will not need to take out a mortgage and just pay rent in advance, which normally costs them a small amount of money. Another benefit is this house will not be their permanent address, which means they can move to anywhere they like.

  2、What are some of the pleasures involved in making a home for yourself?The important thing is they can enjoy finding their own home, then another thing is owning their own home, which means that they could do whatever they like. For example, by doing up a property, they can organize and decorate their house in a way that suits their expectation.




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