

作者: 2016-12-13 14:51 来源:青岛编辑




  Some people think they have right to use as much fresh water as they want, but others believe government should control the use of fresh water as it is limited resource. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.







  很多同学“两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读雅思书”,对社会问题一无所知,同时又缺乏必要的思维训练,结果是拿到题目大脑一片空白,无法深入地、有逻辑地去思考。比如本题,有人认为他们有权任意使用淡水(fresh water),这是什么原因呢?无非是他们认为自己有钱购买,有权享受,而且认为世界上淡水多到用不完。这看似简单的的三个原因,其实就是唐老师多次讲过的雅思写作思维中的三个层次:有钱购买是物质层次,有权享受是心理层次,水资源无穷无尽是社会层次。那么,怎么反驳这些人呢?






  We all, humans and non-humans alike, need fresh water for our survival. The issue is that a lot of people always try to make a case for their wasteful use of fresh water, arguing that they have money, and more importantly right to buy and use as much fresh water as they want. Their constant rhetoric is something like, “so what? Don’t worry, for we have enough fresh water! ”

  Well, that is certainly not true. Even though they are rich and have been empowered to use as much fresh water as they like, they should try their best to conserve fresh water, because fresh water, like other natural resources, are actually limited. As scientists have told us, though the Earth might have many bodies of water, the fresh water comprises less than 2% of the world’s total water volume, which is indeed a very small fraction. The remaining 98% is found in oceans, which is salt water and not suitable for our uses. Admittedly, the water cycle eventually returns water to Earth, yet it's not always returned to the same spot, or in the same quantity and quality. Failing to conserve water can eventually lead to a lack of an adequate, healthy water supply, which can have drastic consequences in rising costs, reduced food supplies, health hazards and political conflict.

  To combat the anthropocentric claim of the unlimited right to use fresh water, we have to remember that, besides human beings, other animals and plants also need fresh water for their survival and growth. To sustain the ever-increasing population, we have already consumed tremendous amount of fresh water in agricultural irrigation, industrial production and electricity generation, not including those we drink in our daily life. It is, therefore, completely necessary for us human beings to save fresh water for other beings in the universe, on whom our own existence largely depends.

  So, financially and civilly, people should be allowed the power to use the fresh water the way they like, but as the fresh water resource is rather limited and the it is so vital to the survival of both humans and non-humans, I think the government should take immediate actions to control the use of fresh water.

  (375 words)




  01、We all, humans and non-humans alike, need fresh water for our survival. The issue is that a lot of people always try to make a case for their wasteful use of fresh water, arguing that they have money, and more importantly right to buy and use as much fresh water as they want. Their constantrhetoric is something like, “so what? Don’t worry, for we have enough fresh water! ”



  (1) 本次作文,唐老师使用了一个不同以往的开头段。先提出话题,然后直接表明观点。文风也变得更加灵活,这里也给烤鸭提供了一种另类雅思作文的范例:雅思作文注重个性化,只要合适,没有什么不可以!

  (2) alike 同样的,两者都(这样的看似小词,你会用吗?)

  (3) survival 生存

  (4) make a case for... 为......找借口(地道表达)

  (5) rhetoric \ˈre-tə-rik\ 说辞,修辞


  02、Well, that is certainly not true. Even though they are rich and have been empowered to use as much fresh water as they like, they should try their best to conserve fresh water, because fresh water, like other natural resources, are actually limited. As scientists have told us, though the Earth might have many bodies of water, the fresh water comprises less than 2% of the world’s total water volume, which is indeed a very small fraction. The remaining 98% is found in oceans, which is salt water and not suitable for our uses. Admittedly, the water cycle eventually returns water to Earth, yet it's not always returned to the same spot, or in the same quantity and quality. Failing to conserve water can eventually lead to a lack of an adequate, healthy water supply, which can have drastic consequences in rising costs, reduced food supplies, health hazards and political conflict.




  (2)empower 使......有权力

  (3)conserve 保护;保存

  (4)natural resources 自然资源

  (5)comprise 构成

  (6)fraction 小部分

  (7)eventually 最终

  (8)drastic 剧烈的

  (9)hazard 危害;危险


  03、To combat the anthropocentric claim of the unlimited right to use fresh water, we have to remember that, besides human beings, other animals and plants also need fresh water for their survival and growth. To sustain the ever-increasing population, we have already consumed tremendous amount of fresh water in agricultural irrigation, industrial production and electricity generation, not including those we drink in our daily life. It is, therefore, completely necessary for us human beings to save fresh water for other beings in the universe, on whom our own existence largely depends.



  (1) 本段写应该节约淡水使用的另一个原因,即,人类已经消耗了太多水资源,还应该考虑自然中其他动植物的生存。

  (2) combat 与......斗争

  (3) anthropocentric \ˌan(t)-thrə-pə-ˈsen-trik\人类中心主义的

  (4) sustain 供养,维持

  (5) irrigation\ˌir-ə-ˈgā-shən\ 灌溉


  04、So, financially and civilly, people should be allowed the power to use the fresh water the way they like, but as the fresh water resource is rather limited and the it is so vital to the survival of both humans and non-humans, I think the government should take immediate actions to control the use of fresh water.




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