


来源:新航道 浏览:0 发布日期:2014-07-23 11:02




  In the early twentieth century, many explorers were vying to reach the North Pole. Several subsequently claimed to have reached their objective, which has made the question of who got there first somewhat controversial. One explorer, American Robert E. Peary, made the best case for having reached the North Pole by an overland route on April 9, 1909, however, since his claim is supported by a variety of evidence.

  When Peary returned from his trip to the Arctic, he learned that another explorer, Fredrick Cook, was claiming to have reached the North Pole the previous year. Peary submitted his evidence to the National Geographic Society, a highly respected organization. After a close examination of his records, the society concluded that Peary had reached the North Pole while Cook had not.

  In his report, Peary stated that it took him approximately thirty-seven days to reach the North Pole from his last base camp. Many Arctic experts believe that was much too fast considering the harsh conditions Peary endured on his trek. However, in 2005, another explorer, Tom Avery, repeated Peary’s journey. His team used replicas of 1909 dogsleds and mirrored the conditions Peary faced as best as they could. Avery’s team reached the North Pole in just under thirty-seven days, which proved Peary’s claim was valid.

  Peary himself was a skilled navigator and took many sightings as he traveled, so he was cognizant of when he reached the North Pole. He also took some photographs while there. By examining sun’s position in the sky and the length of the shadows on the ice on the dates when the photos were taken, experts at the

  National Geographic Society determined that Peary was indeed standing at the North Pole when he took those photographs.


  Question Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge specific arguments made in the reading passage. 请概括讲座内容,并说明讲座的要点是如何对阅读材料的具体主张提出异议的。



  Robert E Peary: First to Reach the North Pole 罗伯特·彼利:个到达北极

  1. approval from the NGS 获得国家地理学会的认可

  - records: under a close examination 记录:严密的审查

  Paraphrasing Example Peary’s records were examined deliberately and approved by the National Geographic Society.

  2. experts →37 days: too short 专家们→37天:太短了

  - Avery repeated the journey → just under 37 days 艾弗里复制了这段旅程→差一点不到37天

  Paraphrasing Example Experts were skeptical that Peary’s journey took only 37 days until Avery repeated it in less time.

  3. took pictures 拍照

  - sun’s position in the sky + length of the shadows on the ice 天空中太阳的位置+冰上面的影子长度

  → indeed standing at the North Pole 确实站在了北极

  Paraphrasing Example His pictures showing the sun’s position and the length of shadows led the National Geographic Society to assert that Peary truly got himself to the North Pole.


  vie [vaɪ] 竞争 subsequently [`sʌbsɪkwəntli] 之后 objective [əb`dʒektɪv] 目标 controversial [,kɑntrə`vɜrʃl] 有争议的 overland [`oʊvər,lænd] 陆路的 submit [səb`mɪt] 提交 harsh [hɑrʃ] 严酷的 endure [ɪn`dʊr] 忍耐 trek [trek] 长途跋涉 replica [`replɪkə] 复制,反复 mirror [`mɪrər] 反映 navigator [`nævɪ,geɪtər] 导航者 sighting [`saɪtɪŋ] 景象 cognizant [ˈkɔgnɪzənt] 知道的


  Many Experts Are Not Convinced by the Claim 这个主张未能使许多专家信服

  1. The NGS: impartial observers X 国家地理学会:公正的监督官X

  - examiners: P’s friends 审查员:彼利的朋友们

  - P: big donor 彼利:重要的资助人

  → took only 2 days to examine the evidence 只用了2天时间审查证据

  Paraphrasing Example Peary’s claim is invalid since examiners at the National Geographic Society were his fellows.

  2. navigation records 导航记录

  - P: the only member skilled in navigation → no one could confirm his figures

  彼利:是擅长导航的成员 →没有人可以确认他的数据

  - 37 days: too short 37天:非常短暂

  - Avery’s journey: different from P’s 艾弗里的旅程:与彼利的旅程不同

  - weather conditions// weights on sled loads 气候条件//雪橇负重

  → inaccurate test 不精确的实验

  Paraphrasing Example His navigation records and Avery’s inaccurate ways of repeating the journey are not persuasive in upholding Peary’s argument.

  3. camera: fit 6 diff lenses 照相机:装有6个镜头

  - lengths of shadows vary depending on the lens 由于镜头的不同,影子的长度也有所不同

  → cannot trust photographic evidence 照片证据不可靠

  Paraphrasing Example Using varying lenses on a camera could produce the effect of different shadow lengths on the ice.


  shaky [`ʃeɪki] 不可靠的 impartial [ɪm`pɑrʃl] 公平的 donor [`doʊnər] 捐款人 lone [loʊn] 独自的 school [skul] 训练 site [saɪt] 场所 confirm [kən`fɜrm] 确认 figure [`fɪgjər] 数据 duplicate [`duplɪ,keɪt] 复制 feat [fit] 功绩 flawed [flɔd] 有缺陷的 load [loʊd] 负荷 accurate [`ækjərət] 准确的 manufacture [,mænjə`fæktʃər] 制造 vary [`veri] 改变


  The lecturer argues that many experts are not convinced that Robert E. Peary was the first person to successfully reach the North Pole. This directly refutes the reading passage’s claim that there are many pieces of evidence to verify the assertion.

  First, Peary’s claim is invalid in that examiners at the National Geographic Society were his fellows. Furthermore, he made a lot of donations to the society. Thus, the inspectors rushed through his records in only two days before determining that Peary was the first explorer at the North Pole. This contradicts the reading passage’s claim that Peary’s records were examined deliberately and approved by the society.

  Next, the lecturer contends that Peary’s navigation records are not persuasive in upholding his argument. As he was the only skilled member in the expedition, there was no one to corroborate his presence at the North Pole. Moreover, different weather conditions and the weight of the sled loads make Avery’s repeated journey not exactly the same as Peary’s expedition. This casts doubt on the reading passage’s claim that experts were skeptical that Peary’s journey took only 37 days until Avery repeated it in less time.

  Finally, using varying lenses on a camera could produce the effect of different shadow lengths on the ice. Since the camera could mount six different lenses that could show dissimilar images, the photographic evidence is unreliable. This contradicts the reading passage’s claim that his pictures showing the sun’s position and the length of shadows led the National Geographic Society to assert that Peary truly got himself to the North Pole.


  verify [`verɪ,faɪ] 证明 invalid [ɪn`vælɪd] 站不住脚的 in that 由于 fellow [`feloʊ] 同事 inspector [ɪn`spektər] 检查员 deliberately [dɪ`lɪb(ə)rətli] 慎重地 approve [ə`pruv] 批准 persuasive [pər`sweɪsɪv] 有说服力的 uphold [ʌp`hoʊld] 支持 corroborate [kə`rɑbə,reɪt] 证实 presence [`prezəns] 存在 expert [`ek,spɜrt] 专家 skeptical [`skeptɪkl] 怀疑的 varying [`veriɪŋ] 不同的 dissimilar [dɪ`sɪmɪlər] 不同的 unreliable [,ʌnrɪ`laɪəbl] 不可靠的




  Since the camera could mount six different lenses that could show dissimilar images, the photographic evidence is unreliable.




  First, Peary’s claim is invalid in that examiners at the National Geographic Society were his fellows.

  主句“First, …invalid”和从句“in that…fellows”之间不加逗号。

  INDEPENDENT TASK / Environment

  Question Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Environmental issues can be solved or improved in the future. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 你赞成还是反对如下命题?环境问题在未来是可以解决或改善的。请叙述具体的理由,并通过举例支持自己的观点。



  matter of concern for many companies 众多企业关注的问题

  - inventions + improvements to filtering facilities 发明+改善过滤装置

  ex corp’s in the past: didn’t take seriously 例)过去的企业:对此不以为然

  → now: install systems to reduce toxic waste 现在:安装减少有毒废弃物的装置

  - develop a filtering system 开发过滤装置

  green mvnt 环境运动

  - more ppl are concerned about situation 更多的人们对此状况予以关注

  ex recycling campaigns 例)废物回收活动

  → food waste: ground + dried → process → fertilizer 食物垃圾:粉碎→烘干→加工→肥料


  generalization: development of tech → many advantages + env’tal damage


  attention →solutions + global responses


  thesis: agree (investment, attitudes toward env’tal concerns)



  env’tal damage → faster than restoration 环境破坏→比恢复更快

  ex trees: cut down 例)树木:伐木

  new trees: shallow root structures 新的树木: 根系浅

  → susceptible to erosion → natural disasters 易受侵蚀→自然灾害

  prob’s w/ the attitudes that some companies + individuals have 一部分企业+个人所持的态度

  - profit-oriented objective → worsens the effect 以利润为导向→使结果恶化

  ex corp’s: concerned about making revenue 例)企业:关注创造收益

  → meet the safety standards → no further improvement in filtering systems 达到安全标准→进一步改进净化装置X


  generalization: development of tech → many advantages + env’tal damage


  attention →solutions + global responses


  thesis: disagree (pace of destruction, attitudes toward env’tal concerns)




  The development of technology has provided people with a lot of advantages; however, it has also caused tremendous environmental damage. As environmental concerns have provoked attention from many, there are numerous solutions and global responses that have been proposed or initiated already. Though some people contend that environmental damage is irreversible, I strongly believe that nature can be restored in the future. There are two reasons for this belief: Big corporations are investing a lot of money in the rehabilitation of the environment, and green campaigns have changed people’s thinking regarding our natural surroundings.

  To begin with, environmental issues have become a major matter of concern for a number of companies. This fact has led them to come up with inventions and improvements in their filtering facilities. To illustrate, most corporations in the past did not take seriously the environmental effects, such as air pollution and noxious materials, produced during manufacturing in Korea, and the results were a lot of hazardous materials and severe destruction of nature. However, as the situation came to the notice of corporations, they started to install systems to reduce toxic waste and to develop filtering systems which will eventually be able to remove all pollutants from factory emissions.

  In addition, the green movement has spread worldwide. Compared to the past, many more people are concerned about the environmental situation, which could have a direct effect on generations to come. For instance, almost everyone in Korea participates in recycling campaigns. Hence, people have become habituated to sorting plastics, aluminum cans, and cardboard into recycling bins. Furthermore, food waste is ground and dried and then goes through a special process with chemicals to turn it into fertilizer. These examples show that our environmental circumstances will gradually get better.

  It is true that enormous effort and time will be required to restore the earth’s damaged environment, which is already causing rising sea levels, storms of increasing number and strength, and changes in the migration patterns of animals. On the other hand, there are many companies striving to improve their systems for filtering toxic materials. In addition, people are taking part in preservation campaigns and are trying to rehabilitate the environment for their descendants. For the above reasons, I firmly agree with the statement that environmental issues can be solved or improved in the future.


  tremendous [trə`mendəs] 巨大的 provoke [prə`voʊk] 引起 initiate [ɪ`nɪʃi,eɪt] 开始 irreversible [,ɪrɪ`vɜrsəbl] 不可逆转的 restore [rɪ`stɔr] 恢复 rehabilitation [ˌriːhəbɪlɪˈteɪʃən] 复原 filtering facilities 过滤装置 noxious [`nɑkʃəs] 有害的 install [ɪn`stɔl] 安装 emission [ɪ`mɪʃn] 排放 recycle [ri`saɪkl] 再利用 habituate [hə`bɪtʃu,eɪt] 使习惯于 sort [sɔrt] 分类 bin [bɪn] 箱柜 grind [graɪnd] 碾碎 fertilizer [`fɜrtl,aɪzər] 肥料 migration [maɪ`greɪʃn] 迁移 strive [straɪv] 努力 preservation [,prezər`veɪʃn] 保护 descendant [dɪ`sendənt] 子孙


  不定代词 (Indefinite Pronoun)

  大部分不定代词以any, every, some, 以及no等单词开头。它们泛指人或者事物,一部分不定代词指代单数, 一部分指代复数, 其他情况下既可以指单数也可以指复数。


  another, anybody, anyone, anything, each, either

  everybody, everyone, everything, little, much, neither

  nobody, no one,

  nothing, one, other

  somebody, someone, something


  both, several

  (a) few




  all, any

  more, most




  1. Governments should pay more attention to environmental problems than to health problems. 比起保健问题,政府需要给予环境问题更多的关注。


  - env’tal damage → related to health prob’s 环境破坏→ 与健康问题相关

  ex) disease from pollutants 例)污染物质导致的疾病

  - change in ecosystem 生态系统改变

  ex) global warming 例)全球变暖


  - health: directly related to humans 健康:与人类有直接的关系

  - many corporations already invest a lot of money on green campaigns 已经有众多企业投入大量的资金用于环保运动

  2. What governments can do to improve their health systems is to clean the environment. 为了改善保健体系,政府能做的就是治理环境。


  - sanitary: crucial in preventing diseases from spread 卫生:在预防疾病的传播上十分重要

  - affects individuals to keep clean: habituation 影响个人的卫生习惯:习惯化


  - need more investment in medical research 医学研究需要更多的投资

  - other factors to improve health systems 改善保健体系有其他方式

  ex) physical exercise, diet 例)运动,饮食

  3. Environmental issues are so complex that individuals cannot do anything about them. 环境问题十分复杂,个人无能为力。


  - gvnt: sizable research + campaigns → greater effect 政府:大规模研究+宣传活动→ 更大的效果

  - can take corresponding measures 可以采取相应措施


  - individual’s effort: builds up → national mvnt 个人的努力:累积→ 全国性运动

  - daily routine that requires an individual’s participation 需要个人参与的日常行为

  ex) recycling, taking public transportation instead of driving a car 例)循环利用,乘坐公共交通,不开私家车

  4. Many people try to preserve the environment now; nevertheless, it is impossible to improve the future with the present status. 很多人为了保护环境而努力;尽管如此,以现在的状况来看,未来很难有任何改善。


  - too much destruction 破坏严重

  ex) Japan 例)日本

  - ongoing development + urbanization 持续的开发+城市化


  - technological improvement 科学技术的发展

  - re-growth of organisms 生物的再生长

  ex) trees 例)树

  Listening Scripts & Translations







  M Professor: According to your textbook, American Robert E. Peary was the first man to reach the North Pole. However, many historians, including myself, disagree and don’t believe that Peary made it there. In fact, the evidence shows that Peary’s claim is shaky at best.

  Peary and Frederick Cook, another adventurer, both said they had reached the North Pole. The National Geographic Society examined the evidence and supported Peary’s claim. Case closed, right? Well . . . not exactly. The society wasn’t filled with impartial observers since Peary was friends with the people examining his records. He was also a big donor to the society. Furthermore, the society took only two days to examine the evidence, which Peary himself admitted was, uh, problematic.

  You’re probably wondering what evidence Peary submitted, right? First, there were his navigation records. Keep in mind, however, that Peary was the lone member of his team schooled in navigation, so no one on site could confirm his figures. Second, his trip to the North Pole only took thirty-seven days. That’s simply too short. Now I’m aware that Tom Avery duplicated this feat in 2005, but his experiment was flawed. After all, the weather conditions were much different. And the weights of the sled loads may have differed, too. It simply wasn’t an accurate test.

  I’m also aware that Peary claimed to have taken some photos at the North Pole. However, Peary’s camera was manufactured to fit six different lenses. Depending on which lens Peary used, the lengths of the shadows would have varied. Since we don’t know what lens his camera had, we can’t trust the photographic evidence. It may have appeared he was at the North Pole when he really wasn’t. As for me, I believe that Peary was near the North Pole yet never actually got there.

  M 教授:










  INDEPENDENT TASK / Environment














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